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Is Online Gaming the New Social Media

Is Online Gaming the New Social Media

Today, youth are connected to the gaming world, and they enjoy sharing their experience on social media. In some way or the other, a significant number of gamers are on social media. Like who in this advanced world doesn’t use social media platforms? Everyone does! They have their own Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat platforms. It is one of the major parts of marketing especially when you are just starting out as a gamer in this vast industry.

Gaming companies have apprehended that social media platforms are beneficial as a device for sharing information about new deals, launches of games, and interesting facts, which keep their followers, updated and helped draw new players. Moreover, gamers have now created their edition of social media in the form of Platforms like Twitch and steam.


Live game streaming technology permits gamers to capture interesting game moments with high-quality videos and use streaming platforms to share them further. Online gaming is now more socially reachable than ever. Since multiplayer games became common in gaming, users can chat with players they may not know when playing.

Not very long ago, the social media and gaming industry were entirely separate for the most part, without working mutually to magnetize their customers.  The link between the two common industries seems to get hazier by the day.

Generating Communities

Online gaming culture has begun to generate its communities, where people came together to talk about their beloved games, making a new medium of global communication possible. Many online gamers use a perfect place to connect with their objective gaming audience and learn about them. Situs Poker is one of the multiplayer games that offer significant interaction among players.

Social Interaction

Gamers use it for all types of things. They share detailed information about new game updates. They research how other gamers are navigating a problematic level.  They can also ask for feedback about a game and suggestions for game changes. Gamers widely use social media platforms to form their communities. This also helps in efficient communication between its members. Social interaction among fellows of a multiplayer community shares resemblance to social media group communication. The shift of online gaming towards becoming a social network is a likely evolution that brings the finest of both worlds