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You Can Prevent it Overload on Twins When Running

One of the most common evils that afflict runners is that of the overload on the sural or twin triceps, the muscles that give movement to the joint that connects us to the ground.

The causes can be varied and some easier to solve than others, so in this article, we explain the most common ones.

Bad or nonexistent training planning

It is very common that when a person wants to start playing sportswear sports clothes and any pair of sneakers and run into the street. The initiative and the good disposition are great but we cannot or at least we should not train without a plan and previous knowledge of the race technique since running is much more than fast walking.

So a good training plan should be personalized and adapted to the characteristics of each runner, in addition to periodically correcting variables such as volume, intensity or training frequency in time.

If you want to take it seriously and improve brands in the short, medium and long term, hire a qualified, specialized and experienced professional who plans the training for you. If your goal is more modest make sure you run well and adapt with the common sense some pre-designed plan for beginners.

Adaptation to training or mileage

This point is closely related to the previous one since when planning training sessions we must have in short and long term the objective distance we want to cover and the time in which we want to do it. We cannot accumulate kilometers training after training and trust that everything will be fine and our body will support it.

When we have a nuisance of the style we are dealing with this article, the problem rarely comes from the previous session but from the accumulation of fatigue from days and even weeks before.

Finally, we must take into account our adaptation to training. If we run more frequently and as long as training planning is adequate, we will probably adapt better to training than a person who runs less or is even irregular. The latter is very typical: people who do not always have the time they would like to train and when they finally have it they celebrate it with a feast of kilometers. It is in these situations when the problems are gestated.

Inadequate slippers

We comment on this point after the previous ones precisely because these are more decisive. We do not intend to apologize that a good shoe lacks utility but not always the most expensive is the best nor the cheapest the worst. What we have to look primarily at when choosing a type of shoe or other is what they adapt to our foot and career technique, not the other way around.

Massages and foam rolling

A good strategy to prevent twin overloads is to briefly use a foam roller before and after workouts. If necessary, it can also be used at home on the days we do not train or again hours after training.

Of course, we must not dismiss the option of going to the physiotherapist, the professional who can best treat us in this case, both preventively and taking advantage of the treatment.