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The President of the Borges Group, Ramón Pont, Dies at 82

The president of Borges International Group, Ramón Pont Amenós, a member of the third generation of the business saga, died on Friday at age 82 in his family home accompanied by his relatives

The president of Borges International Group, Ramón Pont Amenós, has died this Friday at age 82 in his family home accompanied by his relatives. Belonging to the third family generation, he participated “actively” in the management of Borges, a manufacturer specialized in the processing and marketing of nuts to the most relevant companies in the agri-food industry, especially nuts, pistachios, and almonds.

Ramón Pont was involved in the management of the multinational group since 1959 after finishing his international studies and was the president of Borges since 2007. According to a company statement, during all these years he has played a “very important role in the management and consolidation of the group “, which has five production plants with which it has continued its expansion in up to 116 countries and consolidated the” world leadership “of the company in the dissemination of the” Mediterranean lifestyle and quality products around the world “.

From Borges, they have assured that Pont leaves “an entrepreneurial legacy of success, as well as an indelible human footprint in the teams to which he conveyed the ambition for the achievement and achievement of the objectives linked to effort and growth.”

Finally, they regret the loss “of an entrepreneur who has meant an example of work, perseverance, and dedication.”

Born in Tàrrega (Lleida), Ramón Pont was a director of FC Barcelona and vice president of the Barça Foundation, joined the club’s Board of Directors in July 2010 and resigned in February 2018.

FC Barcelona and the Foundation, through President Josep Maria Bartomeu, have expressed their deepest sympathy for the death of “a companion very dear to his human quality and a man who was key in the development of the Foundation in recent years “, in a statement on its website.