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How Valeriya Lisitsyna Went From Broke College Student to Full-Time Influencer

How Valeriya Lisitsyna Went From Broke College Student to Full-Time Influencer

Valeriya Lisitsyna is an influencer and content creator based out of Seattle, Washington. She started her content creator journey back when she was a broke college student in 2018. Over the last 4 years, Valeriya Lisitsyna has amassed over 330,000 Instagram followers by sharing her lifestyle content and teaching others her social media tips. Through her posts and Instagram Academy course, she’s dedicated to helping others build their platform and achieve their goals of becoming influencers too. Here are her tips to help you get started:

1. Pick a Niche:

Choose a topic that you’ll mainly post about on your account that will be useful to your followers like fashion, mama blogging, or fitness. This way, when people go to your page, they’ll know exactly what you’re an expert in and what they can expect to see from you.

Valeriya Lisitsyna also mentions to make sure your niche is something you enjoy! You’ll be more motivated to post frequently (and avoid burnout) if you’re passionate about your niche.

2. Create a Business Account:

There are so many benefits of switching your account from personal to business. It allows you to get analytics on your followers for your profile. You can see exactly what age, gender, and country your followers are from so you’ll know who you’re speaking to.

You’ll also be able to see your post analytics and which performed the best. For instance, if you notice you get the most likes and saves on your clothing hauls and very little engagement on your outfit of the day posts, I would recommend posting more hauls.

VALERIYAS TIP: See what time your followers are on Instagram and share your posts just before those times so they’ll see it and engage with you!

3. Optimize your Bio:

Your bio will tell your followers how you’ll benefit them. For example, Valeriya Lisitsyna’s bio says, “I help boss babes grow on Insta and make money as respected influencers.” Keep it short and sweet! You can even link a resource or website that’s beneficial to people on your page and increase your chances of them hitting the “follow” button.

Valeriya also recommends including your niche as a keyword on your profile name. Mine says “Social media marketing expert” so that when people search “social media marketing” on Instagram, my account gets bumped to the top and people are more likely to click on my profile.

4. Create Savable Content:

Most of my viral content has a high amount of saves. Content that makes people hit the “save” button tells Instagram that people like your content and encourages the algorithm to show your posts to more people. This can be tips, DIYs, or tutorials within your niche.

5. Utilize Instagram Reels:

The best thing about reels is that it doesn’t take long to make and Instagram favors creators that utilize this feature! Watch time is an important factor in the algorithm, so keeping your reels short at 15 seconds makes it more likely for your audience to watch it all the way through.

Growing on Instagram takes time and patience. It doesn’t just happen overnight and the best way to get good at anything is to start!

Follow Valeriya Lisitsyna on Instagram and TikTok @valerie_lisitsyna for more tips and tricks.