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Foment asks for a “Reorganization” of the 18 own taxes that the Generalitat has


The employer who presides over Josep Sánchez Llibre claims the reduction of some taxes in Catalonia and that the community has the same taxation as Madrid in taxes such as equity or personal income tax in order to improve its competitiveness.

The regional financing model of the State and the excess of taxes of the regional administration do not favor economic and business activity and deter the attraction of investments and talent to Catalonia, which places the community at a clear competitive disadvantage compared to other areas of the region. territory like Madrid.

This is the conclusion of the technical report on taxation in Catalonia presented by the employer Foment del Treball. Its president, former deputy Josep Sánchez Llibre, has indicated that Catalonia is the autonomous community with the most taxes of Spain, with 18, but the collection is only higher by one point (3.2%) compared to the average of the rest of autonomies (2.2%).

“Catalonia has a letter of presentation of high taxes, something that does not facilitate neither the attraction nor the retention of talent”, has valued the president of the commission of Economy of the employer’s association, Valentí Pich, who has defended that first, it is necessary to create wealth so that there is a surplus and then it is distributed to society.

The business organization is committed to a reduction in rates such as equity or personal income tax since the latter, for example, in Catalonia has the lowest exempt minimum and has proposed its elimination or 100% bonus, as in the community of Madrid. According to the deputy general secretary of the employer, Salvador Guillermo, the “focus” should not be on raising taxes “on those who already pay”, but instead have to put on the submerged economy, which according to studies cited by the employer represents a 25 % of Spanish GDP.

“If we keep the same taxes, are we going to collect more or many companies will leave and money will be lost?” Guillermo asked himself, who stressed the dynamism of the economy and asked that the country “be attractive” to make Barcelona become “the Manchester of the south of the digital economy”.

In this regard, Foment has demanded that the Government “recognize” the submerged economy and has urged it to develop a four-year plan to reduce it by 10 points, a measure that according to its calculations will allow collecting more than 100,000 million euros in this period.