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Do you know why your diet isn’t working for you?

Are you worried about your diet? Many of you might have started following their diet plan, and suddenly you come across that your diet is not working. You would have so many questions in your mind like are you following the right diet plan? Are you overweight? What is wrong with your body? Why isn’t Body responding to any diet plan? It doesn’t matter what diet plan you all are following and what dietitian you have diet plan will work only when you have the right energy balance. Here in this blog, we will share a few reasons you will know why your diet plan isn’t working for you people.

Mindless eating

We all do mindless eating when we are bored, and it’s essential to find out the exact reasons for our boredom. What would you do to get rid of boredom? Just find out the distraction to keep yourself from the dull environment. Call your friend and go for a walk or have some chit. Mostly we are tired of monotonous things and also not finding something exciting in our diet plan. Determine first by having a glass of water.


This is another reason why your diet isn’t working because you are so stressed out. Nothing would work in anxiety, and many of you might have been doing emotional eating, so instead of weight loss, you have gained so much weight. You all need to keep away stress by finding out other alternatives. Go for a walk or do some easiest workout that you find suitable. Do meditation or find help from your family member or friend to keep away from your stress. You will find yourself so much lighter with your loved ones. Sort out your food-related issues because mostly whatever you are eating is giving you extra stress.


Whatever diet you follow exercising is important because you do not cut calories with only diet plan workout is essential to achieve weight loss goals. Workout speeds up the slow metabolism and just food won’t work alone in a weight loss journey. Diet is the one part and to see the results exercising is very much essential, so don’t take this for granted.

Portion size

In diet plans, portion size is very tricky because people who are not familiar with this make such mistakes and take more than one serving. Take a small digital scale to determine what exactly the portion would fit best. Mostly we are taking more than a single serving of food that doesn’t make any difference in calorie intake. Keep your portion size fixed to see the results. Sometimes we are eating healthy, but we have to know a portion size.

Medical conditions

Usually, we don’t know about our medical conditions, and these are the biggest reasons for not working any diet on you. People who have thyroid or any genetics disease play an important role in. burning calories. Talk to your doctor to know about those factors that are problematic for metabolism. The doctor would recommend things to you to give a boost to your diet plan.

Keep a track

Have you kept track of your habits? Increase awareness and accountability because it is essential for weight loss. You would come to know how much weight has lost and where to improve. Take the help of fitness gadgets to see the difference. Whatever your activity pattern will be, gadget captures everything.

Hard workouts

Mostly you are not losing weight because of the workout. Various exercises are so challenging, which is harmful to weight loss. Do you know cross fit can be harmful? Ask your doctor which physical activity will be suitable for you throughout the week? Keep yourself away from heavy workouts because it causes injury or takes too much time to get used to this.


Mostly dieting is the reason for stress and fatigue. If you find any of this, then don’t be exhausted because following the same routine causes boredom. Ensure you all follow the right sleeping pattern and have a maximum 7-8 hours of sleep to reduce fatigue.

Back and forth weight loss programs

If you have been following back and forth weight loss programs, your body will get frustrated psychologically. Usually, weight loss programs don’t work for these bodies. There are so many diets that help you lose weight quickly, but you gain it back quickly. As per various doctors, the more you lose the muscle, the slower you will have metabolism, and it’s easier to gain the weight back but harder to lose. People who have been in drug rehab their metabolism is slow as well, and their bodies don’t respond to any diet.

Lack of motivation

People who are on a weight-loss track need to have the right motivation for long-term results. It’s up to you how you would achieve your goal, and it’s essential to improve a lifestyle and keep yourself motivated all the time to hit a desired number on the scale. Start with the simple changes and the go-ahead to improve long term health. Why don’t you start this with your friends because people who went alone hardly find completing this? Friends will be a great motivation for this weight loss program.

These are the few reasons we have mentioned here in this blog to let you know why your diet isn’t working. Ask your dietitian first where you are making mistakes? If you people have any medical history then it will be a reason for not losing weight. Don’t forget to discuss everything with the doctor because they would suggest to you what is right and what shouldn’t follow.