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Dangerous Teen Trends That Parents Should Know

Dangerous Teen Trends That Parents Should Know

Access to fast internet and the availability of social media platforms have enabled youths to socialize easily. Many youths now have smartphones and they can log in to see and follow the trends around the world. Apart from this, they also plan parties and other gatherings to implements trendy things. Currently, there are many teen trends with some happening in schools while others happen in social gatherings.

As a parent, it is important to keep an eye on what is happening in the teen world since they need a lot of guidance. Today, this generation engages in dangerous trends that can bring more harm than the fun they claim to seek. Here are some trends that every parent should know today.

Dangerous Challenges

Teens are very unpredictable and they keep dropping dangerous challenges every now and then. Most of these are done using video-making apps such as TikTok. If you are a parent, you should be concerned when you hear your teens mention challenges such as rainbow party, condom snorting, or cinnamon challenge, among others. The names might fool any parent but all are challenges with negative physical and mental implications on teens.

Vaping and Dabbing

Vaping is a leisure activity, and sometimes, it is done for health reasons. When you visit the ePuffer website, you will get to see safe vaping and dabbing devices and high-quality vape juices that every user can rely on. However, youths have started vaping and dabbing dangerous components such as excess marijuana, drugs, and other harmful substances. Additionally, they do it in excess especially when they are at parties and their social gatherings. What they need is guidance to avoid putting their lives in danger.


One of the best ways to consume marijuana these days is through edibles such as cannabutter, cannacookies, and brownies, among others. But youths have taken it upon themselves to abuse this. These edibles are now misused by teens in parties and other social gatherings to extent that many of them black out. This trend is dangerous for their health and many of them get initiated into using drugs this way. Hence, guide your teens accordingly to understand the implications.

Nudity and Exhibitionism

Perhaps you have seen trendy photos of celebrities and their wannabes in nudity or near-nudity. Every youth now wants to be a fashion star on their social media walls. Some even go beyond this by sending their lovers nude picture and videos that end up trending all over the web. This can ruin the lives of youths and thwart their career and life dreams and ambitions. Hence, parents should guide teens on the extremes they can go.

Private Searching

Teens are always (or think they are) one step ahead of parents. When they are using their computers and phones to search the web, they use a private or incognito mode that does not keep any history. So whether they watched trendy videos on YouTube, browsed porn sites, or perused different social media websites, parents will never get to track their activities.

Final Word

Parents should keep up with the teens’ activities if they want to help them achieve their goals. The above trends are just a few of the many that have been there and many that are to come.