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Can Mouse Infestation Be Dangerous?

Can Mouse Infestation Be Dangerous?

Mice and other rodents can make their way indoors and spend some time in your house. Mice and rats are a nuisance if they get inside your home; they eat your food, tear your clothes, chew up wires, and more.

Many people believe that mice play around and damage things and do not possess any severe harm. In reality, mice are reservoirs and intermediate hosts for many viruses, worms, and bacterias. These microbes pose serious health risks and can potentially be fatal.

If your food or hands get contaminated with feces of mic or eggs of worms, cysts of bacterias can enter your body and lead to health complications. Therefore, it is advised to get rid of mice as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Dealing with mice on your own can be difficult. Therefore, you can contact  Stride Pest Control to help you get rid of mice and other pests with their effective management.

Are Mice dangerous inside your House?

A short answer is- Yes. Several severe illnesses and diseases are directly linked with mice. An infection may spread to humans directly. An indirect way of transmission is when a flea or a mite feeds upon an infected mouse, the disease factors are transmitted to the flea, and humans get infected when bitten by a flea. In this way, a flea or a mite behaves like a vector of disease transmission.

What Disease can Spread from Mice?

The feces and urine of mice contain a lot of pathogens; getting in contact with pathogens can be dangerous and lead to various health complications.

1. Hantavirus:

These are found in the feces and urine of a deer mouse. The waste of a mouse may even contaminate food and make its way inside your body.

2. Salmonella:

A mouse may run around your kitchen, contaminate food and lead to food poisoning by contaminating the food with salmonella bacteria. It can lead to typhoid fever, severe diarrhea, and vomiting.

A mouse may transmit Lyme disease, plague, and Colorado tick fever.

Effective Mouse Control.

DIY mice control methods may work if you place the trap or the poisoning agent in the right place. However, contacting an experienced pest control team can lessen the burden and help you get rid of the mice faster. A pest specialist knows about the signs of mice infestation and locations where mice can build their burrows. If you have seen signs of mice infestation in your house, contacting a pest control team is your best choice to quickly get rid of the mice and protect yours and your family’s well-being.