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Beyoncé Vegan Diet Test to Lose Weight Before Coachella (

That Beyoncé’s performance in Coachella is one of the most iconic of the well-known festival is something undeniable and well known to all. That the challenges and extremes to which artists such as singers and actors submit to their bodies for specific moments of their career are excessive, such as roles or concrete performances, is also well known.

A few days ago, Beyoncé shared in a video the diet she underwent to be ready – and “ready” in this context means “thin” – before getting on the stage of Coachella and losing weight in 44 days. Spoiler: it is not the best possible diet and there are interests behind. Although we all want to be Beyoncé, it is not recommended that we try to copy the diet too.

Vegan diet marked by restrictions

The diet that Beyoncé followed is known as the 22-day Vegan Diet, created by Marcos Borges and whose purpose, in theory, is to break bad eating habits so that on the 22nd day of this diet we can start a healthier life nutritionally speaking. In the specific case of Beyoncé, she decided to follow the diet for 44 days instead of the 22 they recommended in principle.

on the website of the diet – recently opened – the idea of following the diet for 22 is based on some psychological theories ensure that it takes 21 days to adopt a new habit. Hence, this diet is planned for one more day, in which we are supposed to have the habit acquired and we can start a new nutritional life.

Of course, when talking about a vegan diet, the main basis of this diet is to eat, with vegetables, vegetables, and fruits. In addition, as we can see in the video shared by Beyoncé, Borges indicates that it is also about eliminating

But, in addition to avoiding any non-vegan food, such as meat, milk or fish, Beyoncé comments in the video that there are other clear restrictions: “no bread, carbohydrates, sugar, dairy or alcohol.” I also recommend while taking this diet please avoid soy and gluten too.

As a complement, it is recommended to practice at least 30 minutes of physical exercise a day. In the specific case of Beyoncé, the amount of physical activity was much greater since not only did he follow a special training routine, but he was performing the very demanding rehearsals for the preparation of Coachella’s performance.